Well, I'm back. Back in school and back to blogging.
Before I write any more about school, let me record that I have made a goal to blog once a week. The initial reason I started a blog was to keep the family updated and I need to do better with that. Also, blogging may be a very legitimate excuse to procrastinate homework.
So to continue where I left off,
I'm in three classes for my major (human development), plus a mission prep class, and finally, statistics.
Normally I love to take notes and pay attention and be a good student,
Just statistics.
I struggle with it.
That is mean evidence that your mind was deviating from the standard norm.
Oh! Glad you're back!!
Bahhahahaha!!! Were we meant to be roommates? Yes. Yes we were.
What does this all "mean?"
Hi Katherine:
Vedel's in town :)
Bahahaha! Katherine, katherine, katherine, katherine, katherine. You are artistic. I love it!
Oh my gosh. I totally did this. http://pencilsandpearls.blogspot.com/2010/05/london-journal-p-6.html
You are SO COOL.
haha that's funny, the statistics section in my notebook looks EXACTLY the same! :) lol....seriously. Gotta love it. Hang in there cute girl! :)
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