Not to be taken literally, of course. No swimming for this sister missionary, even though there are days when the reflecting pool in front of the VC and the fountain in front of the temple look very tempting...
Crazy week. Lots of ups and downs. We taught a ton last week because we actually had two full days in the area, and we were able to pack them with appointments, but then Kadie couldn't come to her baptismal interview and right now she wants to push it back again. Bah! My heart hurts for her. Keep her in your prayers please. I don't want to go into her situation in detail, because it's painful to think about, but I have faith she'll come in time. Hopefully that time is soon, but if it's not, then it will happen when it's supposed to happen.
So, on a brighter note, we found a family!!! They went to the Mormon Battalion exhibit in San Diego, filled out a card, and we got the referral. (Have I already told this story? I'm having a little dejavu moment right now.) Anyway, we taught them about the Restoration and they all committed to read and pray and they want to do it together. The Dad, Paul, looks like he's from India. His wife, Maria, looks like she's Latina, and they have two kids, Megan and Max (8). Darling family. We are going back over this Sunday to follow up. I hope we didn't overwhelm them with the first lesson, but we wanted it to be interactive for the kids, and so we used a cup tower to explain Christ's church, and a hand analogy to explain the pattern of prophet then apostasy, and we were so excited the whole lesson to be teaching a family that our exuberance might have been a little overbearing. But it it what it is. Sometimes the happiness that comes from sharing this gospel just can't be dimmed!
Okay, now this is a cool story. Blessing (our 17 year old investigator getting baptized at the end of this month) came to church for the second week in a row, and we scheduled an appointment for this Friday. Well, she called us up yesterday asking if we could come over earlier. So of course we went over, and she told us that she's been having dreams and she wanted us to interpret them. Well, I am no David or Joseph, so we turned to the scriptures and the first chapter in the Book of Mormon just so happens to be about a dream, and it talks about learning how to interpret that dream. It was a neat experience to really have the chance to teach to her needs, instead of teaching another L1 or L2. We were able to help Blessing understand what she can do to find her own answer, and we left her feeling a lot better, and ready to spend some time in the scriptures looking for answers. This is what missionary work is about. It was so rewarding to be a part of that.
Ike also came to church. And his brother did in Nigeria. I can't remember if I wrote about this already, but when we went over last Wednesday, he told us that his brother is only in his 30's but is diabetic and goes to dialysis a few times a week. He said that he'd called his brother up, and told him about our church, and his brother said that he wanted to go. So we pulled up, typed in the city his brother lives in, praying that there was a branch somewhere close, and it just so happened that there was a ward, right in the town where Ike's brother lives. Perfect. I love that God's hand is so present even in the day-to-day moments. Ike is on track to be baptized too, so keep him in your prayers as well, please.
Well, that's the brief update. President Matsumori made a joke yesterday about me staying until March now, so I'm only a few months away from getting to stay for the full two years. :] I'll keep you updated.
I love you all. Stay true to what's eternal.
-Sister Welch
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