
Who Said 13's Unlucky?

Today showed me otherwise.

First, I slept in.  And it was in my big bed in my cave of a room in my parents' house.

Second, I discovered that my aunt left her awesome smelling shampoo at my house, which was great because I forgot to bring mine.

Third, Kohl's sale rack had clothes that were 70% percent off.

Fourth, someone in the mall stopped me for a survey, and I thought, "Why not? I'll be nice."  10-15 minutes later, she was finally finished (thank goodness) and gave me two dollars for my excellent opinions, or at least I like to think that's why.

 Fifth, I bought Spencer a nerf gun for his birthday (which was actually a week ago) and he was soooo excited.  At first, I gave him these plaid pants my Grandma had me bring back for him, and when he opened the package he said "Thank you...?" but then I laughed and gave him his real present.  He had a much better reaction for the nerf gun, although I think he still appreciates the pants.  Oh, and another reason I'm lucky: I live in Provo and will not get to experience the full effects of a thirteen year old with a nerf gun.  :]

Lastly, it is simply so wonderful to be home.  I just feel lucky.

1 comment:

frizzles16 said...

And Frizz was born on the 13th. (of september anyway). Just sayin. hahaha!!